
Monday, February 27, 2012

Experience is our great teacher.

There are times when we find someone else to love. We tried to pursue this affection until we find ourselves drifting away. We finally realize that we are capable of leaving our commitment to someone because we believe we have found the real happiness in the arms of another person.

There are so many reasons why relationships fail and its very foundation crumbles. There are reasons that stand justifiable but there are those that stemmed from immaturity, selfishness, distrust, and irresponsibility. But most of the times, it is plain moral and physical weakness in challenging the trials and temptations that come along the way.

We are imperfect persons and we do make terrible mistakes. We have caused pain and misery in the people we love. We will only realize how much they are meant to us after we have hurt them. But what is important in the end is that we find the willingness to change and make up for our misgivings. And hopefully, those we have transgressed will find the heart to forgive us for the pain we have caused them and accept us and loved us the way they used to be. We should learn from our mistakes and live our lives avoiding them so that we may find what we have lost and never lose it again.

 Experience is our great teacher. ^________^v

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Enough is Enough

Korang penah tak rasa masa kapel dulu atau skang di mana satu perasaan yang korang rasa “enough is enough”. Aku tak tau macam mana nak terangkan perasaan ni tapi sepanjang 5 tahun aku bersama dengan si xxx ni. Sekarang aku baru rasa benda ni. Aku rasa biasa je kalau tak sms atau call dia 2 3 hari. Dan secara jujurnya..aku memang tak ada orang lain. Aku masih sayang kat dia. Tapi aku perasan sejak dia balik dari out station 2 minggu lepas…cara dia layan aku dan bila kami bergaduh,mesti ada je ayat

Monday, February 13, 2012


Broken heart

.kecewa. Tapi........

.ini jalan yang aku pilih.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

KUAT-lah hati :(

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah .

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Kadang-kadang apabila ditinggalkan oleh seseorang, terasa seperti ditinggalkan oleh semua makhluk . Sedih, menangis .

Kadang-kadang syaitan akan mengambil peluang itu untuk menyesatkan kita. Berjuang habis-habisan hendak menjatuhkan kita.

Kita hendak kalah oleh syaitan ? Ataupun hendak menang dan jatuhkan syaitan ?

Tepuk dada , tanya iman .

Doakan seseorang yang pergi dari sisi kita, 
dijaga oleh Allah yang sebaik-baik pemelihara, 
disayangi oleh Allah yang sehebat-hebat penyayang, 
dicintai oleh Allah yang seagung-agung pecinta, 
dan dirahmati oleh Allah pemberi rahmat .

Moga setiap pertemuan itu kerana Allah, dan perpisahan itu juga kerana Allah .

Ya Allah, jika hati kami sedih apabila ditinggalkan oleh seorang hamba-Mu, janganlah Engkau biarkan hati kami berterusan dalam kesedihan .