
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

-Why & All The Best-

Hai Everyone...hows your day..??? Must be great huh with the great friend(if you had one)....
Talk about friends, ak agak tak suka la dengan seorang kawan aku ni....Whats so funny to making laughing at others feeling??? I still dont get it and i really want the good explanation for it.... you have to realize that not always kau akan berada di atas dan bukan selamanya kau akan happy.... Kau akan merasa juga bercinta, di tinggalkan, di permainkan dan di curangi...And when it happen to you, i dont think u can even smile....
To my BFF...ada yang tengah amik exam, i wish all the best for u and kepada yang tengah nak bina badan sekarang, I wish all the best for u too and dont push it too hard... Slow2 la ea....And besides, everything have the first time kan....:)

0 SAY WHAT??!!!!: